Category: intro

  • Time for an Upgrade

    I thought it was about time I made some major changes to this web site. Not just in the way it looks, but what I want to actually accomplish with it. The last major update I made, content – not just the way it looks, was almost two years ago.  Pretty pathetic for a self-proclaimed geek.

    Don’t get me wrong, I do plenty of web site updating: I am in charge of no fewer than 6 sites, and own almost a dozen different domains for one passion or another.  It gets to the point when your hobbies turn into work, so the last thing I wanted to do was maintain an active website for myself.  I finally decided to make it fun again.

    Matt sits at a table.
    Beer goes great with Creativity!

    Normally, I would design and code a site from the ground up, designing and maintaining every element so it was just right.  This is good for big projects like my job and the Milwaukee Comedy scene, bad for something like “my life”. For this site, that means never finishing, only starting. Because of this, I have thrown out the old model for my personal website, and moved to what you see here.  A template based blog.

    I never thought I would go this route, but it makes me happy so far.  The new look is up and running, and I can focus on getting into the habit of posting every few days. So if you’re still reading this, you either stumbled upon it in the archives somehow and are drunkenly laughing with your friends, or want to know what’s up, so here is what you can expect:

    • More updates than last major redesign – I think I updated the site 3 or 4 times in more than two years. If I can’t beat that, I shouldn’t have a web site. Seriously.
    • Add old stuff – Over the next few days, I’ll add some old postings to the archives. Not everything, but some fun pictures, projects and such from past web sites.
    • It’s not all about me – Part of the reason people visit a site is to find stuff they like. Most people really don’t give a shit about my resumé or how many shows I worked on (which was the original purpose of way back in 2002), so I’ll be writing about stuff I think is cool: Comedy, gadgets, theatre and the arts, technology, happenings in the Milwaukee area and other stuff.
    • I’ve learned to share – I find a lot of crazy stuff I think is funny or interesting. I’ll post stuff and you can read it, or don’t. You find something you think I’ll like? Tell me about it.
    • Still totally about me – Deep down inside I have this site for me. Sometimes I see something that makes me laugh so hard I want to be able to click on it anytime I want. Also, I forget easily so It’s nice to find it right away.  I like to remember the projects and productions I’ve been involved in, because they are what help create today’s productions and projects.


  • Meet Matt

    Well, I’ve had a great new job for a few months now.  It’s time I updated the website with a new bio:

    Matt is a resident of Milwaukee, originally from Columbus, OH. He holds a degree in Communication, Media, and Theatre from St. Norbert College with extensive acting, directing, technical, and production experience.

    He has aided in creating a dozen different theatre companies, as well as multiple programs and events with emphasis on new and emerging artists. Matt also has extensive construction experience including three stages, light & sound control booth, recording studio, library, dressing room, wood shop, coffee shop and a deck. He purchased a “fixer-upper” home with his wife, Dawn, and has been improving it by adding a master suite and gutting and remodeling much of it. During the summer of 2007, he was stage manager for “Project Non-Violence”, a program associated with the Greater Milwaukee Boys and Girls Club focusing on the theatre process with local inner-city youth.
    Currently, Matt is the Marketing/PR Manager at Next Act Theatre, a compelling and intimate professional theatre; the Director and Founder of the Milwaukee Comedy Festival, a celebration focused on promoting sketch, improv and stand up comedy throughout the Greater Milwaukee area; and the Co-Producer of Pink Banana Theatre, encouraging new and emerging artists to focus on their artistic craft.