If you have taken a look at this site, you may have noticed I was asked to speak on being WEIRD from the cool people at Creative Mornings! You can check out the video from my speech on being Weird at Creative Mornings from this past August.
It was a really fun experience! I talk about how being weird is a positive thing and that you should “embrace the weird”!
You can see the video and me being weird right here:
I love this bit of dialogue from Ira Glass, renowned radio personality from This American Life. I find it inspirational – and very true – to the creative process. Posting this so I can always find it when I need inspiration.
Despite this being a “personal website”, I don’t really get very personal on here. But my recent experiences have given me the opportunity to reflect on the path I have chosen for myself and some of the success I have encountered. I have been working with the Wisconsin SBDC for about two years, a small business support organization. With the assistance of Kathy Orr, I have been able to look at my company Milwaukee Comedy from an outside perspective. She helped me better define my goals and helped answer a lot of the questions I was asking myself as a small business owner.
A while back they asked to film me for a short segment about Milwaukee Comedy, and had an opportunity to see the end result today!
SBDC Success Story: Milwaukee Comedy
Milwaukee Comedy is one of several comedy venues in the Milwaukee area, but owner Matt Kemple prides his business on its variety and unique qualities. Founded nine years ago, the comedy venue provides live entertainment, workshops and classes and is a resource for local comedians.
Take a look at the video to learn a bit about my experience.
I owe a tremendous thanks to Kathy and the SBDC! Thank you!
I had a blast talking with Damon Millard on his podcast “The Low Budget Show”. I’ll have the full episode up soon, but here is a really funny promo Damon put together. Enjoy!
I had a very unique and exciting experience working with Jonathan Brewer, Applebees and Attention Era Media on the concept for their hit “You Call the Shots” campaign. It was a fun project, and I felt downright honored to be a part of the creative team that put the concept together.
The idea, dubbed “You Call the Shots”, was to present World Champion trick bartender Christian Delpech performing tricks based on suggestions via Twitter and the #SpiritedChef hashtag. He was then filmed performing these tricks. I think they turned out pretty cool, check it out below: